Hello again world

30 01 2014

If I count how many times I said I’m on a diet in this blog, I would crawl under my covers and cry some fat tears. I came back to the blog and read the last post and I felt really inspired. I should really start following my own advice. This I talked about two years ago. I did not make it happen. Matter of fact, I am heavier now than I ever was before. I am pregnancy weight without a baby. Isn’t that a shame? But my determination for that dream has become stronger than ever. Because I want to be healthy, I want to walk up stairs without having to catch my breath for thirty minutes, I want to wear my heels without feeling knee pains later on, I want to look at my body in the mirror and not feel like a failure (I really don’t like the rolls on my back – I’m not kidding). So here’s to me on this beautiful journey. Let’s pick up where I left off. This blog will probably have some new stories in there because my mind has been very active and I really feel like writing. Here’s to me. This blog is going to be just about me. The very busy Dee…

Bed Set

9 01 2009

I was talking to my mom about my concerns yesterday. Somehow we’ve become very close lately. Specially since I got married, I guess there are more secrets to share. I am asking myself right now if my mom ever spoke to her mom that way. She enjoys those conversations so much except that… she feels when I’m sad. And yesterday I think my hormones got the better of me. I was incredibly sad and overwhelmed with my thoughts yesterday.
Let me tell you a story of what prompted part of these emotions. For a while now Mama Pooh has been prompting Pooh to buy a new bed set. Sister Pooh moved in the basement with her boo and has left a room vacant upstairs. Mama Pooh plans to utilize that room with the prospect of having a kind of “housemate” that she would take care of in exchange for a little paycheck. So the plan is, get a new bed set, put it in our room and put the old one in the vacant room. Nice plan right?  I heartily approve. I really do. Here’s the glitch: we can’t afford it. And here’s my problem: I hate the pressure. So one thing that really ticked me off was that when Pooh finally got home, he shows me this brochure with a bed set circled that his mom handed to him. Apparently she couldn’t find me (I never leave the house but ok…) and thought it was a good idea. When Pooh asked me what I thought, i knew I was a little harsh but I couldn’t help myself: “It doens’t matter what I think.” He was like why do you say that? I said: “Did I pick it? He started laughing. We had a long pillow talk later. Here are my thoughts: why do you want to buy another bed set if you don’t have any money? Why would we buy it without getting into more debt than we already are? 
I would love a new bed set to at least have a new start if not a house  or apartment yet.  Because as much as mom wanted us to start on our own and would help us in hte beginning. I really wouldn’t want to start and have to go back. I want us to do this right and be on our feet when we take this step. My mom told me she understood and understood that the wedding idea was an unexpected event for Pooh. As she reminded me, she just didn’t want me to live in sin and not be able to communion ( a fact my godmother reminded me too) that she was pushing us to do the necessary. Oh well…
In conclusion, do you think I think a little too much? I mean, a new bed set is nice but more debt is not. Should I stand by my decision or just give in and get the set already?