This summer…

29 09 2014

…is officially over. But I like to reflect back and say that it was a wonderful summer for my self-esteem. My friends and family have been fantastic with the compliments. My wardrobe was altered slightly: something about feeling good about yourself makes you want to look at bit sexier then you were. And it was wonderful. So wonderful that I stopped trying and my goal has been out of sight. The drinks and food have been flowing. And somehow I am losing sight of the goal that I wanted to reach. And now fall is here. And hibernation is inevitable. And baking season is here. Oh boy oh boy.
Should I just chuck it up and just wait for January 1st to start a new resolution? My decision? No. I have a goal and I want to reach it. I have nothing to stop me. Except myself. I have been my biggest obstacle in the past 2 months. My travelling is over. No more “vacation diet”. You know the “I’m on a vacation and I will get back on track when I get back.” No more of that. So go me go.

6 Pounds

20 11 2008

Last week, I started a new diet. Two years ago, my cousin told me about his doctor that seems to help people loose weight in an unconventional manor. Well, let’s just say she had almost the same body type and height and she became so thin t was ridiculous. So I said I would try. I gave up in a couple of weeks. I was so hungry and I was paying this guy every week to apply beads behindmy ears. They use accu pressure meaning that pressure is applied to certain spots behind your ear that helps you suppressyour hunger. There’s also certain rules about eating: two days of veggies and fruits, two days of milk. No food after 6 pm. You can imagine how many times I broke it before quitting the last time. This time around though, even though a wedding is a good motivation. I have to say that I don’t like the way my body has been looking lately and I really needed to check myself. Besides hearing the doctor saying that I’m slightly overweight for my height but it’s ok, if I ever get sick, the extra pounds will help. He thought he was being funny, I wasn’t really laughing (just showing my teeth) . Anyway,  I got weighted today and I lost 6 POUNDS! I was so excited. That was my good news for the day since I still didn’t finish my paper. Somehow I manage to be able to talk shit on the blog but not write anything on my paper. This is crazy! Oh well going to get a salad now. lol. Just writing this makes me laugh because a couple of weeks ago, nothing would have made me eat something green. Well girl, get your mind right!

The way to a woman’s heart is through her stomache

8 09 2008

Going to the bathroom (oh yeah, that’s my inspiration!) all I could think about was how on earth did I gain so much weight in the the past two years. My answer came back to me quickly: men. Oh yeah! remember the times when a man had to bring us flowers, jewelry and even write us letters to get to our hearts? And then our mothers would tell us we need to learn how to cook so that we can keep them. Remember the way to a man’s heart is through his stomache? That is such bull nowadays. Seriously, at some point I didn’t tell anybody I could cook anything and just watch. It was always so interesting to see where  they were taking me. Scratch the movies, it was all about the meal! A drop by with unexpected Mc Donalds warmed my heart. To top it off, when I met Pooh Bear, guess what’s on top of our to do list? That’s right: what restaurant haven’t we tried? What are the best plates? Which restaurant make the best drinks and seafood combination? I could go on! And since we are together all the time, guess which excersize we practice the most? Yes, the weight can only go one way but up.
So the new resolution is to loose weight. We’re going to shoot for 20. I even have a little plan so far. The thing is sticking to it. Very simple:
No booze ( for at least six months)
No more sodas.
Water, water, water. 
50 crunches a day

That’s it! For now at least. Then I can move up to the big girl stuff. What do you think? can I take the heat? Any tips on how to just stick to it. Pooh talked about Slim Fast last night? Think we can make it ? I’ll tell you more as we go along.