You can make any dream come true

1 06 2012

According to a family friend, Aquariuses of unbelievable optimistic person. You want to be president? Absolutely, go for it! You want to get that job? Right behind you! You want to write a book? Then start writing, I’ll read the drafts.
And there goes Pooh Bear, nodding his head away. “That’s definitely her. She doesn’t think anything is impossible.”
Let me tell you something, technically nothing is. I cannot believe that I would be so devastated over a phone when mine got stolen. Because with my little device in hand, I was able to transfer money, check where I am, what was the nearest restaurant and google whatever the heck this guy just said about Kirko Bangz. Now, let me tell you, how may people said that was impossible? Exactly! If anything this new era has taught me is that we can make anything happen. We have shuttles out in space on a regular basis! Women who are not able to carry children themselves can find gracious women that will carry them for them. So why can’t I believe that anything is possible? I mean we exist. That in itself is crazy!
So…for that reason, I want to make another dream possible. I want to be 130 lbs. I want to feel like a million bucks and look it too. I can use the having a baby excuse for so long.
Here’s the things about dreams though. What are you going to do about them?  I can’t say, I have a dream and then… nothing. That I am not optimistic about. You want to write? Write something all the time or on a regular schedule (cough -hubs – cough). You want this promotion? Talk to people, get in touch with the right people, get your grind on.  You want that job? Clean up your resume, clean up your language (cough – bro – cough) and get your grind on. You want that body? Put down that late night snack (cough- Dee – cough), stick with the plan, don’t ignore the scale and wish for the best…
So, I bought a scale and got an accountability partner. She is my cousin and after chatting up with her last weekend when she came to visit, we decided that by my next visit to NJ, I had better lost 10 pounds. Challenge accepted! Are you with me? Any tips?
By the way, I did run/walk my first 5K under 45 mins. So proud. Next year, we run all the way!

The Little Things I Do

16 05 2012

As an update of the “do one thing at a time” that I’ve been practicing, I wanted to make a note of little things that I’ve been doing that will hopefully get me where I want to be.
– I’ve stopped drinking soda completely
As in, nada. No soda whatsoever. And let me tell you, when you have a fountain machine at your job for free, it’s tough.
– I drink a gallon of water of day
Seriously who would have thought that this could happen? There’s some lemon juice available for part of the day. I pour a little in my water bottle and fill it up with water. I do that 5 times for the day. 128 oz = 1 gallon. 27 oz = 1 water bottle. 4.74 water bottle = 1 gallon. So, I think 5 puts me in a safe spot.
– I took up running
Now see that’s an ultimate challenge. I read up about the benefits of running and I said why the hell not? I have P90X at home (I just lent that to a friend),  I have Zumba fitness for the Xbox 360, I have some other crap… But I never do any of them. And to get results you have to do the work. Some people (cough cough… Mel, J…) have great metabolism where they had a baby and it looked like nothing ever happened. I’ve come to realize that is just not my case. And I’m tired of it. I need to get moving. So I’m running. So far, I have been able to run 1 mile without stopping and without wanting to pass out. Pushing for the 2 by the end of the week and get to 3 by next week. Because that’s when I…. drum roll….run my first 5K. Yeah baby! Loosing my phone has completely screwed me for my C25K program but I was at week 6. So…I think I’ll be just fine…

What do you think? Am I taking the right steps? Or is this a futile game?

It’s a special day…

7 05 2012

It has been some times since I’ve spoken about him. I have come to terms with my FIL. I am not as angry as I used to be. I worked hard on my attitude. I worked hard on respect. Not everything about a person is bad you know. Sometimes it takes the right perspective to visualize the good and ignore (for a while at least) the bad.
And today it is his birthday. We will celebrate tonight and I will remember all the good stuff. Like how I requested a poem from him when I was getting married to add to my program. And those words are still the loveliest I’ve found.

For the day will come when we will be strong and unwavering
And in that day it will be the fulfillment of our hidden wishes
The realization of our dreams reckless
And in that day, I’ll be all yours affectionately
And our lives in a supreme wisdom will merge forever
It will be a life full of tenderness and affection
Of Love and endless desires …

Happy Birthday my dear…

Body Image

4 05 2012

6:30 AM. After shower:
Me: Good morning. Geez are these new rolls on my back? Hi belly!
Mirror: (Looks back in silence)
Me: When did I get these stretch marks? Do they go away? There is seriously nothing for stretchmarks?
Mirror: (Looks back in silence)
Me: I’m never going to walk out naked with these boobs. Gravity is not my friend…
Mirror: (Looks back with wide eyes)
Me: Since he’s seen me through all these stages, I guess I’m stuck with him.
Mirror: (Smirks in silence)
Me: Can’t go back to an ex, they knew when everything was tight and up.
Mirror: (Looks back in silence)
Me: It’s 6:45! Makeup time! (When I say makeup I not only mean for the face, your clothes “makeup” for what you lack as well. You know what I mean, they lift, smooth out, distract…)
Mirror: (Puts on clothes and applies eye liner/mascara in silence)
Mirror: (Sprays water on hair and fluffs up curls)
Me: I guess I’m ready to go. Need to do push my work out today. These rolls are getting out of control.
Mirror: (Blank stares)

Later that day
Coworker: Oh my gosh, you look so pretty! Love the hair and the earrings! Did you loose weight?
Me: (Big smile) Thanks! I’ve been working hard. You made my day!

Confidence: The art of leaving all personal criticisms st the door when you leave your house.

A little conversation…..

19 04 2012

I don’t remember what we were talking but we ended up on this part of the conversation. I thought it was notable….
Pooh: You are lucky I’m not your typical Haitian husband
Me: What does that mean?
Pooh: a husband who wouldn’t mind fixing you with a couple of slap
Me: You mean beat me?
Pooh: Yes!
Me: Oh honey, I already told you, I don’t  have daddy issues. My dad was in my life and he never gave me examples of these behaviors. I just heard the stories but never witness any of that. All Haitian men or Haitian husbands that I know do not behave that way.You must know the wrong people.
Pooh: You mean you don’t know anybody like that?
Me: No babe, I don’t know anyone like that.
Pooh: What if I was like that?
Me: Then we wouldn’t be married. I already told you, I don’t have daddy issue.Everyone have respect and there will be no problem.

Dear MIL…

12 04 2012

I know I stole your son, your confident, you bodyguard and your precious baby. I know you think I’m not good enough for your precious. I know it’s rough to see that another woman actually make him smile and laugh. I know you hate the fact that he is living in another house and no longer needing your cooking. I know you hate the fact that he doesn’t ask you advice just like before and that he has to consult me before making any decision. I know that you think you have a say on how we raise our children or even how we feed them. I know you think if your method worked for your precious son it will work for his children. I know you think I have no idea what I’m doing….
Here’s the thing. I appreciate you and all that you do.I love your cooking. I love that you raise this wonderful man I call my husband. I also know that he’s not perfect. We’re just perfect together. I appreciate all your help but give me the liberty to pick between your method and my mom’s to come up with a good combination. After all, my mommy made the lady that was able to snag your son. I’m not trying to turn him against you. Who am I to come between you two? I just want to build a good foundation with him with no constant interference. Did your MIL treat you this way?
I hope you know that no matter what, I love you MIL.

Yours truly,



Mission Out Of Bed: Complete

5 04 2012

It took 3 nights, lots of housework, lots of courage and lots of morning coffee but I have successfully gotten baby to sleep in her own bed. This was one of the hardest things I had to do and my heart broke so many times. But… I did it. And she still likes me. Matter of fact, when I pick her up from the sitter, I get the sweetest hug and the biggest smile. And I fall in love with her all over again.

I have to say I have some experience with little Pooh but I did not expect what Minnie Me has brought into my life. Not only incredible cuteness but some unconditional love that I didn’t even know I had. And the constant amazement at the discoveries she makes, the things she learns. I added mommy to my resume. Who would have thought? Now if I can just master the kitchen like the husband or J, get Mel’s fashion sense and some new black pumps, more dreams will come true.

Today is the day!

22 03 2012

This is the day where the hubs beats me at Words with Friends after he told me not give up even while he had a lead of 150 points. I held my head high and finished the game because like he said, I’m not a quitter. I am NOT a quitter. In fact, I think I’m pretty awesome on a good day. I just lack some focus. I try to do EVERYTHING at the same time. Someone told me that it’s a symptom of the new generation. Multitasking at all times. But here’s the thing, you do some many things, that when you stop you stop doing everything. Thus at one point in the equation, some things get left behind.  projects become unfinished. And since I can’t help multitasking when it comes to work, home, baby and marriage, I decided to take one project on at a time when it comes to me. And the first step is body. I don’t know anyone without body image issues. And specially after they had a baby. First up: C25K and only C25K. I always wanted to start running. So running I will be taking up. I have P90X, Zumba fitness, etc… But unless you have some personal discipline, nothing is going to happen. And if you add this to the number of things you’re juggling, this will be one of those things to be left behind. So let’s start with some personal effort first. Shall we?

Challenge Accepted!

15 03 2012

The problem that I have is the guilt that I get when I have to write. I take too long to post. Why am I writing this? Who’s going to read this? Who cares? I am by no means a writer. I know a couple so I should be able to recognize one when I see one. I’ve been trying this new technique where I change one habit or institute one habit to get started. Why not? It’s one thing. If I can do this one thing consistently then I’m sure to get at least certain results. So for this blog, I want to post once a week. That’s it. Every Thursday, just write. Maybe post some pictures. For now.  Just write every Thursday.

Day 23

24 11 2010

Something you crave for a lot
Fresh bread. It is my downfall for all diets. When I used to visit family in the country in Haiti, there used to be a bakery nearby. Fresh baked bread in the morning (or any time of the day for that matter) with coffee is simply a perfect morning. You can tell if a restaurant cares about their food by the bread they serve, trust me.